Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rebuttal to : 7 ways of learning


Uhh yeah I don't know who this blogger is but his information is pretty useless.. Here are some of my notes from my upper division class I took last year about learning. It is from notes I took but all of the information is backed up by scientific papers.
The cliff notes are :

Memory Enhancement STIIM !

Space out study periods
Test yourself often (expanding retrieval if possible)
Interact with material, process as deeply as possible by connecting to existing knowledge
Imagery (method of loci)
Match study and test conditions when possible

What is encoding specificity ?
Retrieving is easier when retrieval conditions match study conditions

Encoding Variability
Studying in different contexts will help you generalize the information
Example: Study in more than one place if you cannot take the test in the place where you study

What is context-dependent learning?
Context Dependant learning is when you learn information or code it in a certain context, like learning it underwater. Context independent information is any information that is not linked to any specific context, so like you studied in three different rooms. IF you can study in the room you are going to be tested the study there ( context dependent) if you cannot study there then study in several locations.

What did the memory study on context and mood show?
It showed that mood was what was important and not the actual location. IE if people were outside and happy or inside and happy, if they were happy when they took the test then they did much better.

How does frequency of words interact with their recall and recognition?
Well a few things. first of all hi frequency words are way easy to recall because we use them all the time secondly they are harder to do for recognition because they are so common we think we've seen them for sure It’s the exact opposite for low frequency words.

What are the benefits of massed practice on memory/performance?
Massed learning is really good for performance while poor for learning. Its good for performance given that there is only a short time delay to test performance. Its a lot easier and requires less discipline than spaced practice too.

What are the benefits of spaced practice on memory/performance?
Spaced practice is key if one truly want to learn a subject. Unlike massed practice, spaced learning makes it more difficult to learn the information but since its more spread out it gives the brain more time to soak in information thanks to the primacy and recency effects. Things in the middle of lists get lost easily so having small subunits spread out helps divvy up the work. Also overall less time is needed to learn something if it is spaced out then if you try to mass it all at once.

What time periods does spaced practice work for?
Spaced practice works really well for anything that is not short time delayed. the problem with spaced learning is chronologically it takes longer because you have to space it out with dead air, but actual study time is less. It works really well if you need to remember something for a long time .

Explain the 3,4, and 5 foot bean bag toss study and what it says about memory.
two groups one only throws at 4, the other groups toss at 3 and 5. performance for group a is really good that day, then they come back a week later and they both attempt do the tosses at 4 feet. What happens is that group B does better because they had to learn two different ways to throw, not only that but they got to learn the feel and strength needed to throw the ball. the guys who just threw the ball at 4 feet didn’t learn this information.

How does the method of loci work? Is it effective?
Method of loci says that if you want to learn something you should take a mental walk and visualize the things you are trying to learn and put them in the path that you walked. The method is effective, relatively to those people who don’t use the method.

The key to any visual learning is that Interaction between elements is DEEPLY important
Example: Dollar Bill and Elephant
Imagine elephant paying with a dollar bill at a checkout line

How does depth of processing affect memory?
the deeper the level of processing the better the memory is. the lowest is case judgment ( upper or lower case) then its rhyming because even then you have to integrate the word. Finally there is meaning, when you try to figure out the meaning or significance of the word.
Interact with material as much as possible, the best way to do it is to try and pull stuff out of memory, ie test yourself.
Testing is powerful learning event
Also reveals what you really know and what you really don’t know

What is expanding retrieval practice? Why is it helpful?
Not everyone can just put information in their head and hope to learn it. while it is true that most memory problems stem from retrieval if the information is not coded correctly then it too can be lost. the way expanding retrieval works is that you remember a list of words for a relatively short amount of time. then you extend that time and test yourself, you keep doing it until you can go for days and still remember the information.

I have several mb's worth of notes I can share if anyone else is interested

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw your original comment on Digg and followed you here. The notes you posted were infinitely more useful than the Ririan Project post (which is unusual, as that site is usually pretty good).

I'm interested in your other notes, thanks for sharing! If you're emaiing them, you can send to zasdad at gmail dot com. Otherwise, I'll just check in here now and again. :-)